Did you know that an improper air duct cleaning can actually worsen the air quality of your home or office? Using the wrong tools – such as ordinary household vacuums – only loosens the dirt and debris, which will ultimately be released into your indoor air supply and contaminate the atmosphere. At Green Choice, we use only state-of-the-art vacuum equipment and organic cleansing solutions to return your vents and duct work to their original pristine condition.
Although traditional air vent cleaning methods may ride your vents and air ducts of debris, they may actually do your building’s inhabitants more harm than good. Many conventional air duct cleaning companies use harmful chemicals to treat your vents, which will be emitted into your indoor air supply, greatly reducing the health benefits of a proper air duct cleaning. In fact, the EPA has warned that the biocides used in standard air duct cleaning methods are toxic. That’s why Green Choice is a great green alternative – we use only 100% green treatments and natural, ph-balanced enzyme cleansers to sanitize your air venting systems. When we’re through, you can literally breathe a sigh of relief knowing you’ve chosen the safest air vent cleaning method for your home or office.